MAYK – Rules of Conduct

The Rules of Conduct have been drawn up by the teachers, principals and Students’ Union of Maunula Secondary and Upper Secondary School, and they have been approved by the school’s Board of Directors. The Rules of Conduct are meant to ensure that school work runs smoothly and to promote the safety and wellbeing of the whole school community.

The rules apply during school days as well as on trips from and to school, and in all events organised by the school. The Rules of Conduct apply to all students of Maunula Secondary and Upper Secondary School (Maunulan yhteiskoulu ja Helsingin matematiikkalukio). Any student that disturbs school work may be punished in a manner stipulated in the Basic and Upper Secondary Education Act.

1. I will be considerate towards others and respect their privacy.

  • I will act according to good manners during lessons, breaks, and lunch break.
  • I will wear clothing that is appropriate for school.
  • During lessons, I will work according to the teacher’s instructions and will do the given assignments.
  • I understand that using a mobile phone, taking photos, shooting videos, recording audiotracks, and listening to music is allowed only with the teacher’s permission.
  • I will only take pictures or film people that have given their permission for it, and I will only publish content for which I have the copyright and publishing permission.

2. I will take responsibility for my own safety and for the safety of others.

  • I will make sure that the school is a safe place to learn, both mentally and physically, for everyone.
  • I will make sure that people can move freely in the staircases and that areas in front of doors are kept clear.
  • It is forbidden to use tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and other narcotics during the school day.

3. I will act honestly.

  • I will take responsibility for my own actions.
  • I will do my homework independently and will state all the information sources I have used for assignments.
  • I will not cheat in tests or exams.

4. In my own part, I will take responsibility for the school’s property, tidiness, and overall good atmosphere.

  • I will tidy up after myself.
  • I will put all things to their proper places.
  • I am obligated to compensate for any damage I might cause to property or other people’s belongings.

5. I will not leave the school area during the school day without permission.